Your promise to Fluff N'Tuffs Maine Coons and your new cat.

  • 1. Buyer agrees to have the cat examined by their Veterinarian within 48 hrs of purchase, and advise the Breeder of the results of the exam. Mindful that the stress induced in an animal when going to a new home may cause symptoms of illness, including minor upper respiratory infection, to appear in otherwise healthy animals.
  • 2. Buyer promises and warrants that this cat will be an INDOOR animal, raised in a loving home, and not allowed to roam freely outside. This animal WILL NOT BE DECLAWED, nor confined to a cage for extended periods of time.
  • 3. Failure to comply with #1 and 2. will result in the voiding of any and all health guarantees on this cat.
  • 4. Under no circumstances will this cat ever be sold, leased, or given away to any pet shop, Humane Shelter, research facility or similar facility. If for any reason this cat cannot be kept by the Buyer, Fluff n’tuffs Maine Coon cattery will be notified PRIOR to any disposition being made of this cat.
  • 5. This cat will not be euthanized for any reason other than a veterinary deemed emergency without buyers contacting the breeder FIRST.
  • 6. This cat will not be sold or given away without the Breeders express written permission.
  • 7.If this Kitten or cat is sold to a multi-cat home, the cat must be isolated for a period of 14 days in order for the health guarantee to be valid.
  • 8.If the cat is to be shipped by air, all costs of transportation, including Rabies vaccination & USDA Health Certificate, for shipment, shall be born by the Buyer. Breeder is not responsible for airline costs or errors, including handling.
  • 9.  Regular grooming is necessary for your new kitten.  He/She must be brushed regularly to prevent matting, especially under their arms, behind their ears, on the belly, and around their tail end.  If you are unable to brush regularly, you promise to take your cat to a professional groomer at least 2x per calendar year (spring/fall, when coat changes happen)

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